Monday, April 22, 2013

Speaking the Truth

Have you ever seen those folks, they lumber out of a fast food joint, lighting up their Marlboros two steps from the door, their 3XL shirts and jeans stretched to the limits. Usually they wear a grimace of overstuffed stomachs or heartburn or both. They probably call themselves "Big-Boned" or "Pleasingly Plump". Or the ironic one - "Extra-Healthy".

I call them "The Walking Dead".

I know it sounds harsh, but I claim the right to call it as I see it. I was a "Dead Man Walking" not too long ago.

And maybe that's what we should all do: Call it what it is. Cut the sugar-coating. Speak the truth. With more than 35% of the U.S. adult population considered obese, speaking the truth might just save a few lives.

Of course, saying it in love makes the message a little easier to swallow.

"No Honey, you are not chunky. You are morbidly obese and I'm afraid you are going to die in your sleep tonight and I won't know how to face life without you."

"No, Babe. You're not a 'big-girl'. You are are very fat and apple-shaped and that is the most dangerous way to carry extra fat. Please do something about it so we can grow old together."

"No, Son, you're not big-boned. You are fat and unhealthy and your son doesn't understand why you can't play freeze-tag for more than two minutes. And he's starting to wonder about those cigarettes he sees you sucking on every ten minutes."

No matter how you say it, the truth might hurt. But it also might save your loved one's life. It did mine. Thank you Minda.

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