Monday, July 2, 2012


About 10 years ago, I went to the doctor. I said, “Doc, you gotta help me! I have gastric reflux, sleep apnea, chronic backaches, my knees and ankles ache all the time, I can barely walk to the end of the block without losing my breath. And did I mention my knees and ankles?”
He said, “Son, I can offer you two options: Option A is a prescription for Prilosec , hook you up with a CPAP machine, a prescription for Tylenol 3 for pain and inflammation. We should look at Zestril for your blood pressure, Zocor for cholesterol, and definitely want to pre-screen you for Diabetes type II.”
“Yikes! What’s option B?”
“One prescription.”
“Seriously? Hook me up! What is it?”
“Get some exercise.”
“How much is a CPAP machine, Doc?”

Fat old man at Erin's wedding.
Of course I made this whole scenario up, since as everyone who knows me knows I shun doctors like…well, the plague. But in essence I chose Option A – Prilosec and CPAP. I have no idea if I needed Zestril and Zocor, but it would not have surprised me.
Eighteen months ago, tired of the low level (read non-existent) success of Option A, I chose Option B: combined running, weightlifting and biking with a healthier diet and now I am 80+ pounds lighter, free of Prilosec and CPAP,  and have a strong back and knees.  I have the energy of a 20 year-old, I have a long list of plans to accomplish (instead of resting, watching TV, or waiting to die!), and a few road race medals hanging on my wall.
I even noticed recently that the occasional arthritis pain in my fingers has disappeared!

Ah! Not so fat old man!
My advise: Choose Option B! It's cheaper, doesn't require pharmaceuticals, and it actually tackles the problem!

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